Into the wilderness of Broken Beloved... The journey begins with Jesus...

Song of Solomon 8:4-621st Century King James Version (KJ21)

4 I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, that ye stir not up nor awake my love, until he please.”

5 “Who is this that cometh up from the wilderness, leaning upon her beloved? I raised thee up under the apple tree; there thy mother brought thee forth; there she brought thee forth that bore thee.”

6 “Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm; for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave; the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame.”

Scriptures from

Bible Gateway.

Last updated on December 4, 2016

Changing my website up again, wanting to re-do it some.

Last Updated on: November 21, 2016

Made a new header, and changed the background :) 2nd Layout of the website

Last updated on: November 15,2016

Made a My Dresses subpage, slowly getting my site going, it's not much right now but I'm still working on it as I can and still learning more with HTML on here too, it looks bad to me right now but I'm trying :). I have some more ideas to add to it. Keep checking back soon :) God bless you all

Last Updated on: November 2, 2016

Opening my website, this website is not finished, I'm still trying to work on it and get it ready, check back soon for more updates :)

This website is a journey of photography, making graphics and journaling, I pray this website blesses you and encourages you, and that you too choose to walk with the Lord, getting alone in that beautiful place with Him, He is your Safe Refuge (Psalm Chapter 91) the only place we can run to, run to Jesus, He won't turn you away, don't believe the lies of the enemy, just come to Him, the Father loves you (John 3:16,17).


Subpages coming soon.


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